Good reads and other resources for mother and child
Childrearing Books
by Andrew Murray
Children are gifts from the Lord. In this practical guide to parenting, Andrew Murray shows the essential qualities of being a parent who loves the Lord.
Children’s Music
Sovereign Grace Music
God tells us that “whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm” (Proverbs 13:20).
The complete set of all four CDs by Holly Dutton, based on the questions and answers of the Westminster Shorter Catechism: a song for each of the 107 questions!
by Angie Tolpin
Childbirth is more than an event that makes a woman a mother. This journey was designed to be a spiritual milestone that draws every woman’s heart back to the only Deliverer.
(for birth providers). The birth stool is a positioning aid that the woman sits on during delivery, usually during the pushing stage. It helps with fetal descent by utilizing gravity. Here are a couple other models: The Kaya stool, and the BirthMate stool.
by Thomas Hale, PharmD
An excellent print resource for looking up medications and their effects on breastfeeding and the breastfed infant.
and accessories. The Freemie collection system can be purchased separately. This system allows you to pump hands-free and the collection system is entirely concealed.
xpecting twins? This pillow is a great positioning tool for nursing twins. There are a couple models: 1. From San Diego Bebe, and
2. From My Brest Friend
Family Devotions
by James Alexander.
A classic book on the importance of an often-neglected duty, Thoughts on Family Worship by James W. Alexander focuses on the many benefits of daily worship as it strengthens minds and cultivates personal piety among both parents and children.
Soft, supportive, and oh-so-comfortable. The award-winning MOBY Classic Wrap has been trusted by over a million parents. Made from 100%, hypo-allergenic cotton, it is just the right mix of stretch and support.
All our carriers are locally handmade in Chicago in small batches. They feature premium quality designer prints from makers like Dear Stella, Alexander Henry, Art Gallery and more.
Our patented hybrid baby carrier brings together the best of both worlds — the ease of use and convenience of our Boba Baby Carriers and the soft containment of our Boba Wrap.
When your child is ready for solids
by Gill Rapley
Though many believe that babies should be weaned by being spoon-fed purées, self-feeding allows babies to use their natural abilities to explore taste, texture, color and smell.
Evivo infant probiotic powder contains B. infantis EVC001, a strain baby needs. Taken daily, Evivo is intended for babies (0-36 months) fed any amount of breast milk to nourish, guide, and protect.
The perfectly-designed Bibbity is a rinse and roll bib with built-in scoop to catch your little hungry one's mess. The Bibbity is also fully adjustable for custom fit as baby grows, and it's made from soft, flexible material that is comfortable for baby.